Altissia - Speaky

Learn new languages with Speaky


Speaky is all about connecting with people around the globe to share passions and learn new languages

Mission goal

During my mission at Altissia, I was in charge of the complete redesign of Speaky, a social media platform that connects people together trough language learning. I helped Speaky build a UX design Strategy, a design sytem and a team.


First things first, with a complete redesign comes a clean and fresh user flow.
The idea was to define all current user flows and understand the complexity of this project helped with the COO.

I was surprised to see that the main complexity was not the messaging system as I was expecting but the admin in charge of  censoring users and the login process.

User flows of Speaky mobile app


After understanding all complexities of this project, especially the admin part, I wanted to meet the administrator in charge of  support and moderation.

After few interviews and user tests with him, lots of encountered issue were clearly identified.

Interview with the moderator

Prototypes - Low fidelity

Following the interview of the moderator, we noticed that the current process was not working at all.

The product owner I decided then to redesign the admin back-office completely with new flows and new rules matching user expectation. A lot of time was saved with this step

Wireframes of the admin tool in miro to allow stakeholders reviewing and reaserching with me

Mockups and Designs

After we successfully tested my wireframes with the administrator, it was time to put some colors on those wireframes.

I enjoyed this UI phase as the idea was to keep minimal colors scheme to avoid confusion.
The final tool was a lot more user friendly and user centred than the previous one.

Some visuals from the final tool

Hierarchy and Design system

One of the most complicated task for product team is to keep design librairies and files consistent and up to date.

One of my goals was to setup a design flow for assets generation, a design system, and a flow for updating  every new components. Guess what ? Challenge accomplished !

Some visuals from the final tool

Let's work together